Friday, May 13, 2011

gimme some momentum

I love hands
I actually have this creepy tendency of watching peoples' hands.  There's this guy I remember from sixth grade solely because I thought his hands were really interesting and I liked the way he shuffled papers and this is getting pretty weird now so I'll just stop.


HAH HAH and of course it is only as I post this that I realize I forgot to do the fun part and add various injuries and blood marks all over the place.
But the file is so huge that photoshop was slowing down everything and I don't have the patience to go back...
actually you know what i'll just do it. 

and Uprising by Muse is our fighting song, so yeah!
zombie survival team from left to right: Andrew, Jonathan, Kat, Ellen, Danielle (hey me), and Annie

Andrew still looks the most bamf.

antiformal bros

Work in progress so I added some random quotes or song titles or inside jokes.

Kat and I wanted to be ready for the zombie apocalypse in the event one ever took place so we made a whole plan and made up outfits for our antiformal bros (Andrew, Annie, Ellen, Kat, and myself) and Jonathan because he is our fearless leader

don't judge- if a zombie apocalypse ever happens, we'll be ready

it actually looks kind of cool with just the silhouettes